Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

More Summer Fun

Anna continues to make us smile. Here she is hamming it up for the camera modeling some new duds from her second cousins, Case and Lena. Aunt Jess and Grandma Patty visited last weekend and got to join in on the dress-up fun!
(Check out the rest of the fashion show pics on Facebook!)
I turned my back for five seconds today and here is where I found Anna when I turned around! She loves our laptops and anything with buttons ... she literally climbed on top of my laptop bag to get to our printer. As the pictures show, she sure was happy with herself!

Anna and I went blueberry picking today with Nichole, her sister-in-law Anja, Josiah, and Adalyn. We had a great time! I had a baby-shaped sweat stain on my t-shirt from carrying Anna around in the Baby Bjorn ... kind of gross and funny!
Anna was very curious ...

Best bud, Josiah!

Trying her hand at picking one ...


Sweaty kids enjoying a water break ...

Josiah shared his goldfish crackers with Anna ... she liked them ...
Adalyn chilled in the stroller the whole time - what a cutie!

Nichole with Adalyn - so sweet!

What a fun day! Now we're looking forward to a visit from Grandma Nancy - can't wait!
Do you need to see the quirky cuteness again?!?! I think you do!

Here are two new videos to enjoy. The first shows off a few of Anna's new tricks: pushing her grocery cart and blowing kisses. You'll also notice her new-found affinity for whining and screaming ... I chalk it up to teething and frustration over not moving as effectively as she'd like.

This one's just to show off Anna's crawling skills ... I realized I hadn't documented it on the blog!

Also, if you're interested, check out the following video link: Anna hung out at Josiah's house a few mornings this week while I taught some classes at school. This is a hilarious video of Josiah pushing Anna around in his Tonka truck ... so precious!


  1. Thank you!!! SOOO cute!! I love crawlers - and so good at walking with her grocery cart already, how crazy. They grow up so fast don't they!! I sound old. and of coures the dress up pictures are priceless I saw them on facebook! Can't wait to see you all in a few months!

  2. I love that Anna's crawling soundtrack is Lady Gaga :-) I can't wait to see her moving around - you need to come home to visit!
