Anna's been having what I like to call "toddler moments" lately. Case in point: this top picture is from last night. Anna wanted to wear her mittens while I dried her hair - weird. Then, this morning, when the bottom picture was taken, she wanted to wear them while she played in her room. I don't know if her hands are cold or if she's convinced that mittens are a cool accessory, but I think it's pretty funny.
Yesterday I told my mom that Anna and I had yet another snow day together today. Now, I love spending time with my Anna more than anything, but not when that time is trapped in the same cold house together with no other adult interaction for the fourth day in a row. My mom sweetly suggested, "You should make cookies - that's what I always did with you guys when I needed something to do!" My first thought was How can I make cookies? I don't even have any chocolate! Then I remembered that cookies don't need to have chocolate (although it is a perk) and that I had a tub of raisins in the pantry. Anyway, Anna and I had a great time making oatmeal raisin cookies together today. It took up about an hour of our day, and Anna was into it the whole time. She took every step in and tried repeating everything I said. The cookies weren't half bad either!
The pictures are a little out of order. Here she is sitting on a chair with her baby watching the cookies bake. I turned on the oven light so she could see them - she found this fascinating.
I hear ya on this one. When Eric had to staff the Disney marathon last year, we had snow days and Cate and I were home for 4 days by ourselves (the weekend and 2 snow days). It made me ready to go back to work even though I love her to pieces.