Then on day two, we had to drive through Kansas. During the stretch in the center of the state, there was nothing to see. Literally nothing. But people try to get you to stop about every 5 miles by offering attractions of every type. The signs usually always started by saying "take the next exit." Here are some examples: "Take the next exit to see historic Dodge City, the pride of the Old West. Only 130 miles south." or "Take the next exit for the Colby public library." About every 10 miles for 2 hours, we saw signs for The Oasis of The Plains. It was a gas station.
Here are my top three favorite signs for attractions that I saw:
3. Pet live rattlesnakes and praire dogs
2. Come see the 5-legged steer.
And not an attraction, but it shows what's important in Kansas,
1. Lamb. It's good.
One thing that was neat to see was the acres upon acres of wind turbines. They went on for about 15 miles.
JImmy, we just drove from wisconsin to Illinois and saw the same windmills - they were SO neat! (well, not the same ones since yours were in kansas) We thought that same thing. The rest of our scenery might have been a bit better though!!