I just can't get enough of my little cutie! As promised, here are some pictures of her newly-updated nursery. I haven't been crazy about making it too "baby," but I wanted to give Anna a nice place to play. Thanks to some great shelving from my friend Erin and her mom, a few hand-me-down decorations from my childhood bedroom, and tons of new toys from family members, Anna's play corner is set! Check it out:
Now on to more cuteness ...
This is what happens to Anna's hair when I forget to brush it immediately after her bath:
And this is what it looks like the next morning when she wakes up:
Anna had her four-month checkup today. Developmentally all is well ... yeah! She has not been gaining the kind of weight the doctor would like to see ... Anna still only weighs 13 pounds (nowhere near doubling her birth weight yet) and is only 24 inches long. Cereal is in the near future to help put on some chubs!